Firewall Implementation: 3 Simple Steps for your Network Security

Firewall Implementation: 3 Simple Steps for your Network Security

Among many ways to ensure the guarantee a network's security, one highly important effective method of safeguarding your sensitive data is through firewall implementation.

Why a firewall implementation?

As the hackers get smarter, more determinant, and inventive in their techniques, it has become is imperative ensure that all your IT systems are secure from Trojans, viruses and all the malwares that can intrude into your system and compromise your data’s security.

What is a firewall?

Firewalls are a crucial component of every business' IT security system. Just like a firewall of an actual building, they are installed so that if one of the network parts faces an attack, all the other systems of the network remain accessed and unharmed.

Firewalls scrutinize the data and info traveling through a network, designed on set rules, examining the information that should be allowed to pass through your network.  Therefore it is highly imperative that every organization install a firewall in their particular data protection system.

 Now lets the ways Three Ways to Ensure Successful Firewall Implementation: 

Before initiating the installation of a firewall solution, it is useful to first define exactly what level of IT network security is required by your specific organization. First of all, examine the existing solutions installed on your network to analyze the functionality of current mechanism, and locate the loopholes.

As a next step, seek information from IT department about the data transactions within the organization’s network – make note of the weak links and the most vulnerable areas requiring a Firewall shield. Also find out all points of access of confidential data that require enhanced security through endpoint protection. Last but not the least, due to the fact that one stop solution to meet the organization’s security needs, highlight the the critical and non-critical areas including your budgetary constraints. A well-evaluated internal specification will pave the way for a firewall implementation plan suiting your business’s specific needs.

Once a business has specified its requirements from a firewall based security service the research process of solutions can progress. In addition to the services, study thoroughly the potential IT provider's credibility, history and reputation in the business. Select a vendor reputed for providing quality efficient service and firewall implementation.


Once vendor has been decided upon, the final phase in setting up of firewall is its actual implementation. Your IT provider will install the best solution in that covers all vulnerable areas. Through both manual and automatic updates, the firewall will be maintained and upgraded after installation. Continuous feedback should be provided for the upkeep of firewall implementation and performance.

A carefully, well thought out plan involving between you’re the IT firewall provider and organization's internal IT team will ensure your business’s success in meeting its security requirements

How Firewalls function

Firewalls are determined by security rules established by administrators. For instance, one rule may be to allow only one particular system but deny all others. Guidelines ruling Firewall protection usually need the following information for their rule creation: 

IP Addresses

It's very likely to block out certain machines based off of internet IP address. This can be handy for, if an unrecognizable system’s unwarranted unsuccessful login attempts to your email server. Furthermore, you can even deicide to block off entire hotbed countries enlisted for attackers.

Domain Names

The administrators may even block access to certain websites including Facebook, or organizations may even allow a subset of sites that can be accessed, like domain names that end with .edu. Why would an organization do that? Research indicates that an average employee wastes up to 3 daily surfing the Internet. 



For every system that is on your network, you can decide the services that are permitted on them. This is a significant step to tightening security to minimize accessible services. Each service that is accessed is like a window of a house. If there is only one window left open by chance it can allow an attacker to come through. 


A service is liable to potentially run through any port thus for seeking more control; organizations may need to align services to specified ports. This facilitates preventing rogue services from running by employees, including an FTP server at someone else’s machine.


Modern firewalls permit the sifting through all the data passing through the network in attempts to block out certain keywords perceived as intrusive data. Like, your organization may want to block out offensive language or adult-content related web sites. 




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